Problem: Protective Equipment is not being worn as advised
AI Solution: identifies the protective clothing in the image
The interface to the door locking system controls access
Door only unlocks when the appropriate protective equipment is correctly worn.
Access remains blocked without safety clothing
The System searchs for faces in the video image
The faces are checked to see if a face mask is worn
Faces without face mask trigger the alarm
The maximum number of customers is reached, the entrance remains locked
A customer leaves the shop
The next customer gets access
Person at the access control system
Scan of the person according to previously defined protective clothing characteristics (mask, glove, suite, etc.)
Granting access if the result is positive, triggering the defined reactions
if the result is negative (refusal of access, alarm activation, etc.)
Definition: Which predefined object should be detected?
Determination of how accurately the object should be identified?
Clarify to what extend the detected object is to be interpreted:
Is the object there?
How many objects are on the image?
How should the analysis be responded to? Should an alarm be passed on?
Clarify: How fast should the predefined analysis results be available?
Eye-catching movements on the outer perimeter of the site are registered and reported.
Deactivation of motion detection at peak times possible
Complete overview of the site
Rapid response
Interfaces to third-party systems, e.g. access controls, burglar alarm systems, etc. form an overall system that allows discrepancies from the standard to be detected quickly.
In premises where employees store or park their vehicles or valuables, video images are captured.
In the cases of incidents, the image can be traced using actions or timestamps.
Forge-proof export file CBF format
Four-eyes principle view of the video material
Only authorized vehicles are allowed access to the site
The license plate is matched with the registration list
A porter is not required. Interface to barrier control opens automatically or alerts an employee