DCamera AI Geutebrueck
Document transfers of liability
Transfers of liability can be a source of challenges in the supply chain. At these points, one logistics services provider often needs to prove that the goods were handed off to the next party in the chain in an undamaged condition. Video documentation provides the required court-enforceable evidence.

End-to-end documentation

Incoming goods to the warehouse

Goods from the warehouse via picking and packing

Outgoing goods

Linking of image data with process numbers (e.g. barcode)

In the event of damage, pictures prove quantity and condition of the goods.

In the event of a dispute, the footage can be used in court.

Format GBF is tamper-proof

Document damage to goods
Video recordings of all stations that a package goes through in the supply chain can be found and evaluated in a matter of seconds thanks to the barcode. Damage or incorrectly loaded items can be located immediately. Processes that contain errors are identified.

Parcel is missing or damage is reported.

Parcel tracking finds goods or clarifies current location.

Link to ERP system: goods are scanned repeatedly as they run through the supply chain and can therefore can be tracked.

The starting point of the search is the most recent scan.

The route is traceable.

Uncover and clarify sabotage attempts
There’s nothing worse than a suspicion of sabotage taking place on your own premises. By marking the damage in the video recording, you can use backward searching to determine who caused the damage, or whether it resulted from a genuine error, in a matter of seconds.

Areas of critical importance are monitored with a video image.

When an incident is reported, the video material can be consulted to trace the incident.

It is possible to search within the video material using a variety of criteria (e.g. time or process number, etc.).

The images can be exported as forgery-proof GBF format and are legally useable court.

Clarify situations with documentation and evidence
The logistics industry is always working under time pressure, and this can sometimes result in collisions between trucks on your site. Usually, the damage is only superficial. But who will pay for it to be rectified? Video recordings clearly show what happened.

It is easy to trace the time of an accident.

The video material can be used to search for activities in a defined area. Thus it can be clarified when and what happened by whom.

The data can be exported as a tamper-proof GBF format.

Clarify issues of liability – in a way that is enforceable in court
Whether it’s damage to company property, missing security seals on trucks, or vehicle damage: Some issues are only identified days later. Easy image searching immediately locates the video evidence you need and manages the forgery-proof image export process.
  • Fast clarification of damages
  • Proof of seals
  • Images accepted as evidence
  • Documentation of cargo securing
  • Visual evidence of any damage to vehicles and objects on the premises
Meet legal requirements

From the continuous cooling chain and weights to protection against unauthorised access: The law gives you a lot to think about. The cooling system provides the temperature, the scales provide the weight, and the access control provides the personal data – and all of this information is shown on the video image via a single interface.

Documentation of all relevant processes based on image files.

Interfces allow links to systems.

Combination of process documentation and safety.

Variances on data are displayed on images.

Requirements for regulations are met e.g.:

Protection against unauthorized access to warehouse and shipping areas

Known Consignor

Data protection & security
If employees understand that their image data will be handled in a way that complies with data protection laws (with masking, dual-control passwords and logging of video views/exports), this creates a sense of trust and allows you to prove that you’re doing things properly without any protests.

Image recordings can only be viewed in 4-eyes mode

Recording of export transactions and views of the video material

Export of data in tamper-proof GBF format